WrightGroupNY Communications provides high-quality marketing, advertising and PR, to Off-Off Broadway companies at a price that allows art to remain the focal point. Services include press collateral: releases, listings, publicity photos, website and links, postcards, posters, flyers, signage.
Reviewers: WGNY maintains relationships with several arts blog and theatre sites.
Promotional Campaigns: advert design, and media buying (Bronx Opera received coverage from periodicals including The New York Times), and – unique to this field – cross-promotion with other industry professionals (e-list sharing, casting agent services, etc.). Headed by Sue Parker and Martin West, the firm’s client base — reading like a who’s who of the up-and-coming — grows more every year, creating visibility for all forms of performing arts.
You can reach us by phone at 1.347.492.0534 or by e-mail at .